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Fluron resistant love action


In order to actively fulfill corporate social responsibility and pay attention to supporting the development of education in poor areas, at 8:00 am on December 25, 2020, the general manager of NFLon Group Co., Ltd. led a delegation of heads of relevant departments of the company to Lingtou Central Primary School in Hesheng Town, Yongjia County, Wenzhou, to carry out charitable donation activities.

To this end, the school held a grand welcome ceremony, in the ceremony, the school principal on behalf of the whole school teachers and students to all the representatives of NFLon Group Co., Ltd. delivered a welcome speech, he said that before the New Year is coming, NFLon Group company to our school to send warmth and love. Here, on behalf of all the teachers, students and staff of the school, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your sincere love! I would like to extend my sincere thanks and congratulations to all the leaders and guests who attended the donation ceremony. At this moment, several young pioneers held bright red red scarves, presented and wore red scarves to the guests, and extended the Young Pioneers gift to the guests! At this time, the venue burst into warm applause!

In order to thank the school for its warm reception and welcome, Mr. Fang, general manager of Neflon Group Co., Ltd. made a heartfelt speech, he said excitedly: Today, the donation ceremony of Lingtou Central Primary School is solemnly held here. On behalf of all the staff of NFLON Group, I would like to express my sincere wishes to the leaders, guests and children who attended and participated in the donation ceremony today. It is our common wish to carry out loving actions. Today, on behalf of our company, I donate a scholarship of RMB × million to Lingtou Central Primary School to supplement the energy for the healthy growth of the children who are excellent in study. At the same time, the school supplies worth tens of thousands of yuan were donated to poor children to improve and update the school supplies of poor students. We hope that through this action, all employees of NFLON express their concern for all teachers and students in poor areas, and make a modest contribution to revitalizing local education. In the future, the company will carry out more activities through this platform to provide necessary support for the development of local education. We also hope that all sectors of society can give corresponding guidance and support. Let us hope that the platform can play a role and make contributions. Finally, I sincerely wish that the students in primary school will flourish and the talents will come out in large numbers. I wish all the children will grow up and learn well!

After the ceremony, the school leaders took photos with the company guests, and then, accompanied by the school leaders and the class teacher, the main leaders of the company went to the classroom scene to visit and sympathize with the children, and encouraged them to overcome difficulties, study hard, become a talent as soon as possible, and serve the motherland!

Please remember today, remember this warm smiling face, remember this kind care! Donation is sincere, love is priceless, give people rose, hand lingering incense, dedication of love, harvest hope. Let us with a grateful heart, all the way together! Thank you all!

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